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Prosilas & Lube Volley : a new partnership

Prosilas & Lube Volley : a new partnership

Prosilas & Lube Volleyball

Prosilas is proud to support for the 2022/23 season the volleyball team A.S. Volley Lube, flagship of our city, Civitanova Marche: a commitment that enhances even more the link of the company with the territory and its precious resources!

“Teamwork, respect and collaboration are the great values of sport, which we share as people and which move our company every day, we are really happy to be able to share this kind of sensitivity and goals “- Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas.

Here is the press release of Lube Volley and the words of Vice President Massaccesi:

“New partnership for Italian champions. Starting from the 2022/23 racing season, the Cucine Lube Civitanova shorts will also feature the brand of the Marche company Prosilas.

It is one of the largest services in Europe, a member of the Prototal Industries group, dedicated to supporting industrial production through the use of 3D printing, additive design technologies and services.

A company made in Marche, led by the experience of Vanna Menco, who for over 20 years has accompanied the large national and international manufacturing companies by supporting the entire production cycle in a smart way: rapid prototyping, design and co-design, 3D scanning, reverse engineering, rapid production and finishing; all within a single technological pole at the forefront, a real ally of production for the growing industry.

Thanks to this orientation towards growth and evolution, as well as to the love for our region, which Prosilas has chosen to accompany our team, supporting and sharing the sporting values of collaboration and commitment that make a great team, in the field, in professional activity and in life.

Albino Massaccesi, Vice President of Lube Volley: “Welcoming solid companies such as Prosilas and sharing their values is a source of pride. The pleasure is double because to support us is an enterprise of our region that, just like us, has distinguished itself over the years on the international scene!”.

Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas: “Teamwork, respect, collaboration and commitment are the great values of sport and also the values that move our company every day; we are so happy to share this kind of sensitivity and goals”.




The opportunities offered by 3D printing are now multiple and the continuous developments of technology allow us to respond promptly even to the needs of sectors that were considered too specific such as hydraulics and hydrothermohydraulics.

An innovative solution

In particular, the innovative combination of industrial 3D scanning and 3D printing with SLS tencology offers a wide range of opportunities. In particular, in the hydro-hydraulic sector, the production of implementation and replacement parts on furniture, taps, sanitary ware, air conditioning and convector systems represent one of the greatest challenges and needs.

It is precisely here that additive manufacturing represents an excellent alternative, with numerous advantages over more traditional technologies, both from the point of view of the aesthetic and mechanical performance guaranteed on the parts produced, both for its ability to reproduce obsolete or discontinued components, intervening if necessary on the optimization of geometries quickly and functionally .

Roberto Nasini Prosilas Stampare 3d per l'industria manifatturiera
la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

Rebuilding spare parts that are now out of production or whose mold has been lost has never been so simple and fast!

A process that we at Prosilas know well and that through the use of our 3D scanners and the application of reverse engineering has allowed us to produce a particular model of hydraulic tap breaker and a shower customized to the specific request customer’s.

With the 3D file  from the scanning of the part out of production, the SLS technology used in our laboratories Prosilas allows  to 3D print functional elements, also offering the possibility to work on large results or series (working chamber 680x380x540 mm), being able to choose from a wide range of materials: PA12, PA12+Glass spheres, PA12 + Carbon fiber, PP (Polypropylene). 

An opportunity, that of putting back on the market spare parts out of production getting the reconstruction through additive technology, that not only allows to answer to a specific need without looking for solutions of fortune or sketched, but which makes the production itself much more sustainable and performing. 

On-demand warehouse


The case of the 3D reconstruction and printing of the tap and a custom shower model shows how on the one hand 3D printing allows to have a production according to the needs, thanks to a virtual warehouse on demand without the need to manage a physical storage and from the other offers the opportunity to rethink the component in additive, in order to obtain an improvement of the mechanical performances. 

Innovative and customized additive solutions that we propose, supporting companies in all sectors, even those universally recognized as the most demanding just like the world of hydrothermohydraulics. 

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What’s after additive manufacturing and 3D printing?

What’s after additive manufacturing and 3D printing?

Post-process treatments

beyond the production

“The customer always has his reasons”, ie specific needs that require an exclusive evaluation and an ad hoc solution. Our commitment to propose ourselves as AM Service and Consulting from Mathematics to Post Process allows us to take into account this aspect, devoting particular attention to this last phase, that is to all those finishing treatments that are performed on the part already produced, in order to optimize functionality and aesthetics. 

We deepen together with Marco Soldini, Head of Laboratory and Post Process of Prosilas.

At every result his Post-Process treatment

All parts developed with additive Manifacturing, whether made with polymer or metal, can receive end-of-process treatments for aesthetic and/or functional improvements. The most performing and suitable post process (automatic or manual) is chosen according to the needs and objectives that the final result must reach.

There are almost always two possible paths:

1. Automated Finishing

through a machine that the operator only cares to support

2. Manual Finishing

with an operator who performs the various operations required by the procedure.

The choice is determined by the required precision rate, also depending on the use of the workpiece in question.

Automated Finishing

In Prosilas the Manual Finishing is the preferred option, even if there are cases in which Automated Finishing is used, such as vapor smoothing and coloring, respectively a chemical steam treatment and an immersion of the part in the color.


The chemical smoothing is an acid vapor that applied on the piece allows you to smooth the surface, making it, depending on the case, waterproof, washable, shiny, food compatible and not only.

Examples of objects that can be subjected to this type of Post Process? A tank to contain specific liquids, but also dishes and glasses.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas


With the coloring you go instead to change the color resulting from the construction material (white if polyamide, gray if metallic, for example) by immersing it in a liquid colored preparation that is absorbed, covering any surface imperfections without altering the thickness.

They can be subject to coloring design components such as those for eyewear, which require a uniform color even in the smallest parts, all potentially exposed. Or, they can be parts like pulleys, which have to move inside machinery without leaving residue, which would happen if they were painted.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

Seven types of Manual Finishing

Manual Finishing is preferred not only in all cases where the skill of the operator makes the difference, but also when customers have only one piece, absolutely exclusive (something that often happens in rapid prototyping), to apply the post process and it is said that there is an ad hoc machinery.

Seven results that customers usually look for with manual finishes:

  • Waterproofing for liquids and vapors.

Sometimes the process is necessary only on one side of the product. Prosilas determines together with the customer, from time to time, which substance to use and whether to spray or bath, for example. It is different to waterproof a thermos for drinks, the tank of a motorcycle or a part of a hull exposed to salt. It must then consider what type of maintenance or treatment the object will be subjected to, for example if it will have to be disinfected.

  • Metal Insert – Helicoil.

The customer can supply parts with holes and Prosilas must put threaded inserts, embedded in the material, to allow – for example – to insert screws or other metal parts.

  • Metal Plating.

It is the arrangement of metal particles on plastic. It is useful, for example, in the case of restorations in which original spare parts are no longer available, to be created ex novo and then chrome.

  • Fuel Resistant treatment. 

It is another type of waterproofing, excluded from the process nº1 for chemical reasons. It’s about the tanks, but also all the parts that could come into contact with the fuel, such as the protective cover of a part of the car near the tank. It is a very complicated process, especially when it comes to storing substances that are difficult to manage, up to those considered aggressive for which only glass works.

  •  UV Resistant treatment.

It concerns all those parts that change due to exposure to the sun, white or transparent, which turn yellow, or objects for which the passage of UV rays causes chemical problems.

  • Painting.

When painting a blank piece, the surface is not smooth. Applying a primer, however, is free of imperfections and you can decide whether it is smooth or opaque.

  • Micro shot peening.

It owes its name to the microspheres that form the abrasive dust with which an object is treated by blowing, in an automated machinery. It leaves no residue.

When and where it is useful to employ with post processing

The post process has different uses depending on the purpose of the client.

A prototype of a tank, for example, may be required:

  • as a prototype for its own sake, so it does not need a post process;
  • for a static demonstration, so need an external painting but not internal;
  • for a functional demonstration, so not needing an external finish but certainly a functional finish.

A single piece can therefore be used for very different uses, so the finishes that a process partner like Prosilas can recommend will be just as different.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas
materiale sls tpu tech

The smaller and more delicate the object, the less likely it will be finished in a machine. However, the automated process guarantees a more homogeneous result. Sometimes the post process modalities can be interchangeable: choosing the best one in a given case is part of the competence of the AM consulting service.

The most requested post processing systems

Based on our experience, there is a large demand for the primer ready for painting, which then intervenes the customer’s paint, and waterproofing, including food, especially in terms of FPA certifications and biocompatible materials.



Plant Manager

Marco Soldini is member of TAB – Prototal Group Technical Advisory Board

Soldini’s professional figure is fully employed in the Company: he is R&D Finishing Manager and in charge of special projects: he researches and develops new techniques and new solutions so that the Company always has a cutting-edge offer.

Plus, he’s IT & Plant Manager at Prosilas.


AM more sustainable and responsible ? It’s a  team work!

AM more sustainable and responsible ? It’s a team work!

Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas @ SPS Italia

Additive Manufacturing for a more responsible and sustainble producution

The satisfaction and reflection. Our participation in the conference “Women in 3D Printing” within SPS Italia was a very important moment, that saw our CEO  Vanna Menco take stock of additive manufacturing as an important element within a sustainable and responsible production system.

Vanna Menco CEO Prosilas alla SPS di Parma con Women in 3D Printing


Sustainability is a keyword of our time and, as such, sometimes not always used appropriately. Certainly, therefore, it is worth dwelling on this issue, which is also a crucial issue for companies, in environmental and economic terms, and it is first of all “a team effort”, as our CEO said.

“Sustainability is not just about measuring carbon footprint or saving energy”

Vanna Menco says: “The real challenge is to carry out concrete actions, certainly not to make a greenwashing of your company or plant trees to compensate for the CO2 emitted by its production. First of all, it is necessary to start from environmental certifications such as ISO14001 to meet the required parameters”.

The integrated approach of Prosilas

As we pointed out at SPS, the idea of Prosilas for sustainability goes above all through a new approach towards customers and suppliers: a shared approach that starts from the company understood as all its individual employees, to pass then to the customers in form of spendable know-how and to the suppliers in form of shared direction. 

Vanna Menco CEO Prosilas alla SPS di Parma con Women in 3D Printing

Prosilas: AM Consulting

As consulting service, Prosilas is committed every day to provide advice to its customers, through the choice of materials, the type of production, technologies and finishing, favor for example:

  • the use of recycled material;
  • the improvement of performance;
  • the use of energy-saving materials.

We therefore accompany the customer in a certain direction and/ or we advise against certain solutions always with a view to sustainability thanks to the countless solutions that Prosilas can implement, from the choice of materials to production, from technologies to finishing.

Creating an environmental balance with suppliers to have a shared environmental policy.

On the subject of sharing, Vanna Menco’s speech also brought a look to the Prototal group of which Prosilas is part and which is moving with a series of alignment meetings between all the heads of units to find a shared and innovative strategy.

In general, in fact, the companies that first will find the correct and concrete answers to the issues of sustainability will be those that will have the opportunity (and the great responsibility) to be pioneers. In this sense, Prosilas is very pleased to accept this challenge, presenting itself as a “matriarch” of change in its sector, given that sustainability is a concept that already permeates every business action.

Sustainability is a team effort, as we have said, that stimulates the growth of the company and the staff: growth and creative evolution, so that companies provide a positive contribution and changes that last over time. 

Prosilas for Philipp Plein, the shoe revolution starts from a 3D sole

Prosilas for Philipp Plein, the shoe revolution starts from a 3D sole

Philipp Plein Case History

Prosilas: AM Service & Consulting 

Since the beginning of our entrepreneurial adventure, in 2003, we have chosen not to specialize in a particular production sector, preferring to offer as a service to customers in different sectors. Thus, we have maintained a flexibility that has proved particularly successful when, in our transition from prototyping service to manufacturing ally, we were commissioned the sole of a shoe for one of the brands symbol of fashion luxury: Philipp Plein.


R&D on Tpu 

In 2020 we enabled the use of TPU, a rubber material widely used in the moulding of soles, on our SLS production systems.  This gave us the opportunity to start the collaboration with Philipp Plein, with the aim of creating a capsule collection of footwear in which to combine innovation and luxury, dedicated to a specific niche of the brand’s customers.   At the heart of the work, for us, was the creation of an attractive model in line with the taste of the brand and the development of a product that exceeded a series of requirements of strength and durability.

 3D Sole

In fact, the sole is one of the crucial elements of a shoe and one of the most stressed by the use. We then conducted a detailed study and a deep work on design and process to ensure replicability. For this reason we also supported the company that would then assemble the final shoe, facing and solving together specific processing problems that usually do not concern those who make prototypes.

The result ?

First, we got a sole completely out of the standard of a traditional ones, with a latticed structure; then, the opportunity to innovate the style thanks to the possibilities offered by 3D printing; finally, we opened doors to unique pieces, unthinkable (or infinitely more expensive) when all the process of creation must use injection moulding. 

Thank to a work like this, a progressive set of know-how is created that is completely new but can be used in all subsequent experiments. So, for example, for Philipp Plein shoes, we conducted several tests on the tightness of the colors of the soles, especially white – which should not turn yellow or turn on other shades – and black – which should not shin, so it can not be painted.

How was that possible?

The problem-solving business approach was essential

“There are no closed doors,” explains our CEO Vanna Menco, “We always accept challenges, we like to evolve and find solutions”. In this the imprinting of my father was fundamental, because – she continues – he “loves to crack his head on problems” and not by chance he still leads the Research and Development department.

Our transition from suppliers to consulting service  has been made possible by a know-how developed to support the customer at all stages of production, making available our deep expertise in 3D printing. So, we went from consulting at the prototype stage to consulting for all product development, also providing knowledge on specific steps, such as the blend of the material to be used to achieve a certain result.

Our constant commitment to be the best possible consulting service for AM world.