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Prosilas and Bambino Gesù Hospital: 3D printed bronchial stent for a 5 year old patient

Prosilas and Bambino Gesù Hospital: 3D printed bronchial stent for a 5 year old patient

Bronchial Stent

Prosilas in collaboration with the Bambino Gesù Hospital of Rome has realized a 3D printed bronchial stent.

In 2017 Prosilas, already a leading company in additive manufacturing, received a request from a researcher from the Bambin Gesù Hospital in Rome for the realization of a polycaprolactone stent. 

Firmly believing in the project, the company decided to invest in research and development and, after two years of experimentation produces – in just 6 months from the first tests – the first bio-compatible and absorbable stent, making possible the first transplantation of a 3D bronchus in Europe. 



la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

Prosilas: the company

Prosilas was founded in Civitanova Marche in 2003 as a company that offers rapid prototyping services through the use of additive technologies and 3d printing.

It is active in the automotive, motorsports, aviation, medical, footwear and industrial sectors. 

Its production system includes more than 10 additive manufacturing systems with SLS and SLA (Stereolitography) technologies.

Within the company there is a pre-process design and optimization department, an area dedicated to aesthetic and functional post-process treatments, a metrological station for quality control and an area dedicated to research and development. 

A creative “corpus” that makes it able to provide consulting and service for additive manufacutring production.

Bronchomalacia: what is it?

Bronchomalacia is a relatively rare disease. It consists of a congenital or acquired anomaly affecting the large respiratory tract. It most frequently involves the left main bronchus and manifests itself with a yielding or narrowing of the cartilaginous rings that support the bronchial wall, preventing the normal flow of air in the lung and, in the most severe cases, making patients unable to breathe independently.

A 5-year-old boy was affected and the doctors of the Bambin Gesù Hospital were looking for a way to save his life without having to use lifetime a respirator.

The child’s bronchus was squeezed between the left pulmonary artery and the descending thoracic aorta. This compression had generated the narrowing of the respiratory duct and the yielding of the cartilage rings that support the wall of the bronchus.
The fundamental problem was constituted by the material and shape of the stents which are usually metallic and are implanted inside the hollow organs.

There was a need for a stent that could act as an external structure, which would support the bronchial walls and allow them to regenerate.
It also had to grow with the child’s body – without breaking or causing hemorrhages – to be absorbable and to facilitate breathing.
Hence the researchers request all European companies that deal with 3D printing for the creation of a biocompatible bronchus, a request that none was able to provide.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

“In 2017 we received the first request for a polycaprolactone stent from a researcher of the Bambino Gesù Hospital of Rome. Until then we had never heard of Polycaprolactone. Believing in the project, we decided to invest in research and development working on the properties of the material and buying a new machine entirely dedicated to the project”, says Vanna Menco, CEO of the company, because «we realized that we were faced with something so extraordinary that it was worth trying”.

Case Study

The stent was made by combining hydroxyapatite – already an elective material for the construction of devices intended for bone regeneration – and polycaprolactone, a biocompatible polymer that can be completely bio-assimilated within a couple of years and which, up to now, had never been printed in 3D.
The creation of the stent is the result of work that involved various players in the additive manufacturing process. It took 6 months to go to the idea to the realization.
The geometries were created starting from the two-dimensional images (CT) made in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging by dr. Aurelio Secinaro and then co-designed by Dr. Luca Borro of “Unità di Innovazione e Percorsi Clinici.”
For the mechanical resistance tests, we cooperate with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and numerous experiments were necessary, especially in terms of sterilization of the device.

    «The geometry allows both the cells not to sink to the bottom where they are unreachable by nutrients, and to guide their
    proliferation and growth»» Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas

    From 3D to 4D printing

    The creation of the stent with additive manufacturing technologies is a clear example of the very evolution of traditional 3D printing technologies in the so-called 4D printing or bioprinting.
    A fourth dimension is added to the three dimensions to represent the transformation of materials over time. A very challenging evolution that can represent a physiological passage for those who have believed in and worked in the additive manufacturing
    field since the very beginning.
    The experience and determination of Vanna and Giulio Menco and of all the Prosilas staff have been fundamental to the success of the project which projects Italy among the world leaders in 3D printing.

    “Soon other kinds of stents will be completely replace: the easily dislocatable silicone stents and metal stents which, once incorporated into the wall of the airway, are no longer removable and can interfere with the growth of the child’s respiratory system.
    The 3D “bronchus” implanted on our little patient, on the other hand, will disappear from the body within a couple of years. It is reasonable to think that, in the meantime, it will have induced the generation of a peribronchial fibrous reaction which will somehow “replace” the function of the damaged cartilage: the bronchus will thus be able to support itself and will have the possibility to develop and continue to grow”. Explains the heart surgeon Adriano Carotti

    The surgery

    The surgery was performed on October 14, 2019 by Dr. Adriano Carotti, head of the “Unità di Funzione di Cardiochirurgia Complessa con Tecniche Innovative,” ‘, in collaboration with the airway surgeons of the Laryngo-Tracheal Team, directed by Dr. Sergio Bottero.
    The implant in the child was possible thanks to the authorization by the Ministry of Health for compassionate use and Prosilas created the device pro bono.

    The child was able to go home one month after the surgery and will
    have a normal life.

    “We are happy to have won an enormous challenge: saving a child’s life. We make our experiences and our process available to the medical world so that they can be a useful tool for improving the lives of people”.
    Vanna Menco, Ceo Prosilas

    Press release

    Il Sole 24 Ore – Prosilas cresce con stampi in 3D nel settore biomedico di Michele Romano  – 25/7/19

    3D4Growth – Prosilas: ritorno alla vita grazie alle tecnologie di Additive Manufacturing  di Francesco Puzzello  – 3/12/19

    Ospedale Bambino Gesù – Blog – Impiantato primo “bronco” 3D su bimbo di 5 anni – 3/12/19

    Ansa.it – Bronco riassorbibile in 3D restituisce il respiro a un bambino di 5 anni – di Silvana Logozzo  3/12/19

    Rai News – Bronco riassorbibile in 3D ridà il respiro a un bimbo – 3/12/19

    Cronache Maceratesi – Bronco in 3D salva la vita ad un bambino  – 3/12/ 19 di Laura Boccanera

    TGcom24 – Bambino Gesù, bronco riassorbibile in 3D ridà il respiro a un bimbo –  3/12/19

    01Health – Stent biocompatibile stampato in 3D per un bambino– 9/12/19



    “We will continue to work on the development of this type of application by trying to stimulate the scientific community to a greater use of additive manufacturing materials and technologies, we make available to the world of Medical our experiences and our process so that they can be a useful tool to improve the lives of other people”

    Vanna Menco


    3D Tank in Polyamide

    3D Tank in Polyamide

    Design and 3D Printing of a Functional Prototypical Tank in Polyamide

    Printing Material: Pa2200 / Polyamide

    Prosilas has leveraged the capabilities of additive manufacturing to design and 3D print a prototypical and functional tank in PA2200 intended for laboratory testing or trials.

    This tank is engineered to contain corrosive liquids such as gasoline, diesel, ethylene glycol, brake fluid, and ATF.

    Un serbatoio funzionale realizzato con il materiale PA2200/poliammide, inizialmente progettato come prototipo per test di laboratorio e collaudi, è stato successivamente incorporato nel processo di produzione. La sua progettazione mirata lo rende adatto per il sicuro contenimento di liquidi corrosivi come benzina, gasolio, liquido glicole-etilenico, liquido freni e ATF.
    PA220o materiale di stampa 3D con la tecnologia SLS.

    What is polyamide?

    Polyamide  (PA2200) is a 3D printing material commonly known as Nylon, used with Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology.

    Characterized by excellent mechanical and chemical properties, it complies with biocompatibility standards. It is employed in manufacturing of components and medical devices and industrial parts, and in the automotive industry.

    Its versatility in SLS printing makes it suitable for mass production. Printed parts can undergo various finishes, such as metallization and painting.

    Un serbatoio funzionale realizzato con il materiale PA2200/poliammide, inizialmente progettato come prototipo per test di laboratorio e collaudi, è stato successivamente incorporato nel processo di produzione. La sua progettazione mirata lo rende adatto per il sicuro contenimento di liquidi corrosivi come benzina, gasolio, liquido glicole-etilenico, liquido freni e ATF.

    Custom Functional Finishing

    To ensure a personalized functional finishing, Prosilas has implemented a waterproof surface treatment.

    This treatment has been developed to seal the microporosities of polyamide, eliminating the release of dust particles commonly associated with SLS artifacts, without altering weights and dimensions.

    Validation, Mass Production, and “As-Built” Aspects

    Following the thorough validation of the process and the optimization of the surface treatment, the application has entered mass production, enabling the production of an entire batch of tanks.

    Thanks to advanced additive manufacturing technologies and new materials, Prosilas has achieved the creation of an “as-built” product, meaning it is ready for use without compromising functional aspects.

    SLS Technology and Optimization of the Production Process

    The adoption of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) technology has enabled the creation of complex parts without the need for support structures, contributing to faster production times and reduced manufacturing costs. The production process has been carefully optimized to accommodate the part geometries and post-processing operations necessary to ensure the waterproofing of the final product.

    Applications in Key Sectors and Materials Used

    This innovative tank, developed at the Civitanova Marche facility, has been designed considering the specific needs of the automotive, motorcycle, moped, heavy-duty vehicle, heavy transport vehicle, and agricultural machinery sectors.

    The material used for its construction is PA2200; tanks and similar applications can also be produced in Alumide, PA12 GF, PA2210 FR.

    Furthermore, we provide customized finishes to meet any specific customer requirements.

    Un serbatoio funzionale realizzato con il materiale PA2200/poliammide, inizialmente progettato come prototipo per test di laboratorio e collaudi, è stato successivamente integrato nel processo produttivo. La sua progettazione specifica consente la sicura contenimento di liquidi corrosivi come benzina, gasolio, liquido glicole-etilenico, liquido freni e ATF.

    Objectives and Strategic Benefits

    The objectives of this project were waterproofing, eliminating the release of dust particles, and minimizing added material layers (to preserve weight and dimensions). The achieved benefits include a significant increase in production speed and a notable improvement in mechanical performance, demonstrating the validity of the strategy implemented by Prosilas.

    From Prototyping to Mass Production

    3D printing not only accelerates production but also adds immediate flexibility. By reducing development times, we can quickly respond to customer needs. Just-in-time production eliminates waiting for expensive molds, improving overall efficiency.

    Product updates are rapid and readily adapt to customer feedback. On-demand production reduces waste and optimizes inventories. Additionally, the ability for real-time customization enables production aligned with market needs.

    The solutions offered and the speed of execution have steered the choice towards mass production.

    This outcome is a source of pride for us: it underscores the effectiveness of our proposals and our ability to meet customer needs with efficiency and timeliness.

    Our Case Histories with Pa2200

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