PlastiCare, a philosophy to experience plastic consciously

PlastiCare, a philosophy to experience plastic consciously

Guzman Polymers & Prosilas

Press Release


The interview


The initiative was promoted by Guzman Polymers and we, as users of polymers for industrial processing, have been called to make our contribution in the spread of intelligent and responsible use of plastics.

Speaking of polymers, we can’t help but remember how plastics have made a fundamental acceleration and contribution to the productivity of industry, especially in an industry like ours, that of 3D printing, where plastics have allowed the development of production sectors that were not even explored before, due to the impossibility of generating the economies of scale necessary to justify the initial investments.

Instead of an often naive “Plastic free” campaign, now very popular, we agree with a more useful and fruitful concept of “Plastic Care”, ie a healthy disclosure about the conscious use of plastics.

Together with our CEO, Vanna Menco and Fulvio Confalonieri, General Manager of Guzman Polymers.

How has plastic influenced and is influencing industrial production in practice?

V.M.: The discovery of plastics has influenced every industrial sector, bringing benefits and new possibilities for development. The choice fell on these types of material due to the number of possible applications and the technical characteristics. Many technological innovations and many products have also benefited from the use of polymers: this has allowed a move towards a progressive modernization that has invested all the life system we know today. Additive manufacturing was born in 1986 when Chuck Hull published the patent of the invention of stereolithography. The process involved the creation of solid objects in photosensitive polymer: layer after layer the 3D printed part hardens.  We can say that it is thanks to polymers that additive technology has been achieved.

F.C.: If in the 1800s the first discoveries in the field of polymers move, it is, however, in 1900 that science accelerates by taking giant steps, discovering and industrializing in a short time new technopolymers that will prove fundamental for the development of humanity. There is no technological field that has not benefited from the use of plastic raw materials: the medical, textile, food, automotive, etc. The introduction of plastic into the wide-ranging material landscape has opened up new avenues that were unthinkable until 60 years ago, years in which world production stood at around 15 million tons of plastic to be well over 350 million today, 51% come from Asia, 18% from the United States and 17% from the European continent.


Which products or product categories would be most at risk if we abolished plastic consumption? With what disadvantages for the market, for man and for the Planet?

V.M.: The total abolition of plastics would have an epochal impact.  Giving up a certain type of performance, application and design would be a great and, perhaps, unnecessary challenge. It makes sense to focus efforts on innovation, making more conscious use of the development of materials and processes with low environmental impact and creating more efficient waste management systems. The use of polymers already acts in energy efficiency improvement processes.


F.C.: Abolishing plastic, or more generally polymers, is not possible or even desirable, but above all: why do it? One thing must be clear: the abolition of plastic would mean the total regression of humanity and I believe that this would benefit no one. The introduction of plastic was not an error of judgement but the fantastic inventiveness of the man who was able to transform a good into another more precious good. The list of plastic applications is endless but, to understand that a world without plastic is certainly not a good omen, it is enough to think about the countless applications of some technopolymers in the medical field or food packaging, thanks to which waste is reduced, extending the shelf life of packaged products and ensuring quality and safety; or even communication technologies. Plastic is therefore a powerful and versatile resource, so the efforts of science should simply focus on its continuous optimization, enhancement, while those of the ordinary citizen on the management of the finished product and waste in accordance with what is expressed by current regulations on the protection and enhancement of the environment. Without plastic, and this is a clear concept, you risk going back to coal-fired power plants. What’s the point? It is just one example among many. Progress cannot go back even considering that sometimes, in recent years, many have used this extraordinary material improperly, or excessive, or have not yet been able to dispose of it. Now there are all the bases for the conscious use: the “plastic care”, in fact, that puts the attention also on the “end of life” of the product in order not to waste nor to pollute.

Which market segments benefit the most from plastic usage? And which others could benefit from their increased use?

V.M.: The automotive sector was one of the first to use additive manufacturing solutions with plastic polymers: nowadays, it is one of its largest users. The medical field has also been able to develop new and useful applications of high experimental value thanks to the plastic, versatile and sterilizable. Withou  that through the use of additive technologies and, consequently, polymers, can produce faster and at more advantageous prices. Really a big push towards technological innovation.

F.C.: First of all I would say packaging, whose market in Europe alone represents about 30% of the total volume, followed by construction, automotive, electrical and electronic. Certainly in the construction sector we are seeing a strong increase in the use of polymers for energy efficiency; also applies to the E&E sector in transportation: new propulsion systems can be engineered thanks to the use of high performance technopolymers.

Let’s talk about materials: commodities, engineering, technopolymers and biopolymers. Which are the most widely used in industrial and/or additive production today? In what areas and with what concrete results/ benefits?

V.M.: Although additive manufacturing technologies can support a limited number of plastics, many efforts are focusing on improving the sustainability of the supply chain. In this regard we can talk about the introduction of PA11, a bioplastic polyamide derived from renewable sources. It is used for the conversion of some productions exploiting its improved characteristics in terms of environmental impact.

Technopolymers are also the subject of in-depth studies for metal replacement operations: In fact, they improve performance in terms of energy savings and replace the use of metals whose processing continues to have a strong ecological and economic impact.

We can also mention polycaprolactone. Widely used in the medical field, it is a material thanks to which we are able to 3D print implantable and absorbable devices from the human body: bronchial stents and structures to facilitate bone regrowth

F.C.: The biopolymer sector has certainly seen impressive growth in the last ten years, although the application sectors are, at present, still limited. The more traditional technopolymers, I think for example to Polyolefins, Nylon, Polycarbonate etc continue to be driving and difficult to replace in a massive optic. Rather, what is currently being observed is, for these same polymers, the development of production technologies aimed at reducing the environmental impact, think for example the use of alternative feedstocks to oil (tall oil for example); renewable sources, chemical and mechanical recycling.

La plastica è al centro di molte polemiche. Tuttavia la questione del suo corretto smaltimento non viene mai approfondita, né affrontata seriamente, con un grande spreco di risorse e una crescente insoddisfazione. Perché?

V.M.:Il tema dello smaltimento dei rifiuti è pieno di criticità che, a oggi, non hanno ancora una soluzione effettiva. Il primo grande errore è considerare la plastica come un unico materiale o un insieme di materiali simili. In realtà, tra polimeri ci sono delle differenze chimicamente sostanziali. Per prima cosa bisognerebbe ribaltare l’idea consolidata che un prodotto in plastica sia qualcosa di economico e scadente: ciò può essere fatto, ad esempio, creandomanufatti che abbiano valore sul mercato e nel tempo ed evitando, per quanto possibile, gli oggetti monouso. 

Successivamente, occorre affrontare il tema dei rifiuti con un approccio sistematico, che parta dalla corretta informazione del consumatore fino ad arrivare al miglioramento dell’organizzazione della catena di smaltimento e riciclo. 

F.C.:In generale io credo che il tema del corretto smaltimento della plastica e valorizzazione della stessa sia un tema ancora complicato da gestire nella sua totalità. Pertanto, credo che sia culturalmente che tecnologicamente ci vorrà ancora del tempo prima che il sistema raggiunga la sua massima efficienza. Fermo ciò, e a livello del comune cittadino, credo si debba insistere e persistere su alcuni punti cardine che sono: in primis riduzione degli sprechi, e ciò a prescindere che si tratti o meno di materiale plastico; il rispetto dell’ambiente e un maggiore senso civico, per cui il corretto smaltimento di ogni bene a fine vita diventi una pratica quotidiana scelta e non più subita. Piuttosto, ciò che più mi sorprende e spaventa, è osservare come spesso il tema della plastica venga dibattuto senza tenere conto dei dati scientifici più accreditati, giungendo spesso a conclusioni distorte ed ingannevoli e che in tanti casi portano a legiferare soluzioni tecniche decisamente discutibili.

In his book “The Plastic Paradox”, Chris DeArmitt lists a number of historical forgeries about plastic. What are the most dangerous?

V.M.: We give credit to the author for having undermined many, if not all, the clichés conveyed by the media on plastic. The concept of replacing plastic with biodegradable materials (such as paper) attracted my attention, and I found the scientific approach that the author dedicated to it commendable. Paper processing has a greater impact on CO2 production. We can well understand, therefore, that the causes of world pollution are not the materials themselves, but the processes of production and disposal. As a result, the solution is to realize that human behavior is at the heart of this change.  .  

Moreover, it is not true that plastics are the main cause of pollution. This has been demonstrated by a histogram provided by the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), which shows us that paper, cardboard (26.0%), food waste (15.2%) and garden mowing (13.2%) are the main causes of waste in the world.

F.C.:F.C.:The merit that certainly must be given to Dr. Chris De Armitt in the book “The Plastic Paradox” (free and freely downloadable) is to have moved public opinion to refocus the discussion on plastic no longer on vague information, often fake news, but on scientifically proven facts and data. The real consumption of plastic compared to other materials, the environmental impact of plastic towards materials mistakenly considered greener by much of public opinion and the danger of plastic for mankind. These are just some of the examples that Dr. Chris DeArmitt brings to the attention of his audience, always trying to argue them in a very scientific way. In this regard, let me say that access to information via the Internet has been a great achievement of our century but at the same time extremely dangerous because it becomes difficult, if not sometimes impossible, to filter and verify them. Microplastics origins and danger , for example, are often debated. There is an extremely interesting chapter where it frees the ground from often false information and on which much of the demonizing campaign against plastic is based.

Senza l’educazione delle persone all’utilizzo e al corretto valore della plastica il problema sarà sempre osservato da una prospettiva negativa. Da dove possiamo cominciare a sovvertire il paradigma e ampliare la visione?

V.M.: Fornire informazioni più scientifiche e meno sensazionalistiche è il miglior modo per creare una cultura e, di conseguenza, un comportamento corretto. Scorciatoie come spostare l’attenzione su un nemico comune non sono utili a risolvere il problema, anzi, deviano le energie nella direzione sbagliata. L’unica soluzione è quella di affidarsi al progresso tecnologico e scientifico.

F.C.: Ci vuole innanzitutto un’informazione il più possibile scientifica e neutrale, lontana cioè da ogni genere di gioco lobbistico. È necessario poi insistere su un processo educativo volto ad un uso serio e responsabile della plastica, ma direi più in generale di ogni risorsa, e che parta dai giovani, fin dai primi anni, con molta pazienza perché questo processo richiederà molto tempo. In termini legislativi poi ci vuole serietà e determinazione affinché ogni azione contro l’ambiente non passi impunita. Infine, ma non da ultimo, il modo politico deve assecondare lo sviluppo di un piano industriale lungimirante.

Plastic, the dissemination campaign aimed at a more conscious and balanced use of plastic: how do you personally interpret this concept?

V.M.:We start from the concept of awareness. Being aware means being “in contact”, “in relationship”, knowing how to be within limits. And this is infinitely more complex than merely being aware of the occurrence of an event. Taking care of the environment means, first of all, recognizing the existence of the Other, who has our same value and respecting its limits, needs and possibilities.

If we start from this awareness here is that sustainability, understood not only as scrupulous attention to all processes (be they production, disposal and recycling) but also and above all attention to provide a response that is appropriate to needs, becomes care par excellence.

F.C.: Plastic is an immense resource and not an evil, but obviously, and like all things, it can become one if used in an disrespectful and unbalanced way. Plastic Care for me therefore means smart and responsible use of plastic and reduction of waste. Therefore: Less Plastic free, More Plastic Care!


One thing is clear: the abolition of plastic would mean a heavy regression with few advantages. The introduction of plastic was not an error of assessment, but the invention of man, capable of transforming one good into another even more precious good. However, plastic must be considered and treated with care – plastic, in fact – so that the problems concerning its disposal do not obscure the benefits that the material itself provides.

Prosilas – Polyamide and Carbon Fiber = PA 603CF

Prosilas – Polyamide and Carbon Fiber = PA 603CF

Twenty years of Know-how

Winning quality choices

The 20th anniversary of Prosilas will be celebrated in 2023.  In these twenty years we have gained a deep experience in the field of additive manufacturing, supporting companies both in the prototyping phase and in rapid production, operating mainly with SLS technologies, supported by different systems and design and finishing techniques, and with pure materials such as polyamides, or loaded. 

We deepen the development of Prosilas, as Manufacturnig Service and Consulting, with some ideas on the most functional materials together with our Technical Director Luca Ferroni.

Luca Ferroni Tecnico Senior Prosilas Stampa 3d

PA 603 CF – Polyamide & Carbon Fiber : lightness and solidity to overcome the challenge of high performance productions

At the beginning we based our production by processing materials such as PA2200 (pure polyamide) and glass and aluminium filled with standard mixture, and then we refined our proposal through the creation of real special blends..

Prosilas stampe tridimensionali in carbonmide per prototipi rapidi

The idea

About ten years ago we had the intuition to use Polyamide PA2200 loaded with carbon fiber, a highly robust and durable solution, which opened unthinkable opportunities to the most complex sectors, such as racing and motorsport, where the demand for mechanical performance is high and, here is the case to say, in rapid travel. The proposal of carbon-loaded polyamide therefore translated into a functional and not only aesthetic solution, competitive and able to meet the need for high-performance product sectors.

Customizing the processes

The PA12 material with carbon  had a standard mixture, but we started to work with customized processes to improve its resistance in the Z axis, thanks to the experience gained that has allowed Prosilas to make changes to the process making this material even more performing and suitable in many areas.

PA 603 CF

the new carbon loaded material

With the introduction of the new material for rapid production (or prototyping in some cases),  PA 603 CF (Carbon Fiber) we can say that we have made a further qualitative leap by evolving and obtaining even higher performance solutions for the industry that chooses to rely on the support of our technical laboratories. The material processed at the Prosilas hub has in fact a greater resistance on the Z axis, more robust, lighter and with a better surface quality, characteristics that guarantee the perfect combination of aesthetics and functionality.

This allows us to create extremely high-performance parts in terms of mechanics but at the same time light and thin, with high rigidity.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

“I can personally say that the material PA 603 CF is one of the best examples of material for industrial 3D printing ever tested until now, as regards automotive applications, racing and more generally in motorsport and complex markets. In fact, we are able to obtain ultra-light components, with excellent mechanical performance and with a really remarkable surface finish, useful also in advanced testing operations such as tests that, in the racing world for example, are carried out inside the wind tunnels”.  Luca Ferroni, Prosilas Technical Manager


The printing tests for the validation of the material were carried out on our EOS P770 3D printer, thus being able to offer our customers also large monolithic parts, maintaining all the quality of a solid and lightweight polymer

Currently we are the only service provider in Europe to process PA 603 CF on EOS P770 and we can say we are proud of it: a winning choice that allows us to face all the challenges that the industrial market of aesthetic and ultra-light mechanics proposes. 

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas
Prosilas si può stampare in 3d parti in plastica per la prototipazione rapida
la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

Additive Manufacturing & Prosilas

Third industrial revolution

Some, referring to additive manufacturing, talk about the third industrial revolution. Although it sounds strong, we can certainly say that AM represents a truly revolutionary support in the world of manufacturing, basically for two key factors:

the speed of execution;

waste reduction.

These characteristics, which lead to a greater sustainability of both the process and the industrial product, also in an LCA analysis perspective: using AM technologies we can in fact manage an on-demand production and a virtual warehouse, also the printing process, additive and not subtractive, has less waste than traditional manufacturing.

In this dynamic panorama, Prosilas stands out for its quality of products and materials, speed and precision in execution, dynamism and completeness of the offer.

A word from ALM

Prosilas offers its customers the highest level of quality. It does not find the fastest and cheapest solution. ALM shares the same approach, strongly oriented towards customer satisfaction. We want to provide the right material, what their applications really require. This partnership allows companies to have the certainty of getting the best quality components in the industry! ” – Sam Houston Senior Manager ALM Global 

Our constant commitment is to create more and more performing materials based on customer requests for increasingly competitive applications.” – Weston Harmon Eos R&D Manager 

Video interview

Thanks to this short video interview by Tecniche Nuove.

“With Luca Ferroni, Technical Manager of Prosilas, a 3d printing service specialized in rapid prototyping and additive production, we met a reality that can give a holistic support to industrial production.”

Read the full interview 



Prosilas Technical manager

Luca Ferroni is truly a pillar of the Company. For twenty years in Prosilas deals with feasibility studies, technical advice and management of estimates and, finally, the preparation of jobs.


How to produce on an industrial scale with 3D printing?

How to produce on an industrial scale with 3D printing?

Thanks to the constant evolution of 3D printing we can measure ourselves with new challenges to meet industry needs daily. 

Dynamic workflow

3D printing evolves and progressively improves its performance, allowing us to measure ourselves as production supplier even on a large scale, through a set of procedures modulated on each individual customer that become a fluid progress towards the winning solution.

Today we discuss the topic of additive manufacturing on an industrial scale together with Vanna Menco (CEO Prosilas) and our technician Roberto Nasini.

We assume that additive manufacturing  was born for rapid prototyping, as the fastest and most optimized system to develop prototypes.

Roberto Nasini Prosilas Stampare 3d per l'industria manifatturiera

However, it can happen that technology goes beyond its borders, as in this case, progressively conquering ground to reach production volumes that go far beyond the few pieces.

In the case of industrial scale production, in fact, AM can become a fundamental part in the process of Life Cycle Assessment of the product, within stages that adapt from time to time to the new realization.



The importance of design for additive and optimization in large-scale production

“Our customers have very different production needs. The objects that we are required to make, especially the first time, have often been designed for other technologies, such as injection molding. In this case we can ask to adapt the model to be printable with the technology, mainly SLS, intervening on thickness and dimensions”.  

This co-design phase is often necessary to study and understand where the object can be improved, for example, with geometry optimization or with mechanical reinforcement. Sometimes you look for a different performance, other times the need is to get the same performance but with different materials.

“You can make more or less substantial changes in mathematics, reasoning on an industrial scale, to optimize consumption, aesthetics and performance by eliminating for example material where it is not needed and creating structures (as in the Voronoi model) that lower production times”.


Always thinking in the perspective of a large-scale production, it can also be useful to consider a complete re-design (or design) of the piece, with functional or aesthetic purposes: think for example to the design of a lighter sole than the original model, for which a series of adaptations are proposed to create a design with the same shape but printable in 3D with a solution of latex structure, more practical than other materials or more traditional methods. 

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas
Prosilas si può stampare in 3d parti in plastica per la prototipazione rapida

The goal? Reducing production time

In both cases, co-design or re-design, there is a work with the customer, with approval of each proposal by the technical department. The basic objective, thinking of a production on industrial volumes, is often the lightening of weights: not so much to reduce the costs related to the use of material, but rather to use less time in theprinter. The right balance between material reduction and machine time.

This is the key role that gives the possibility to increase productivity. To make the most of this element, we propose structures suitable for mechanical performance, which are easier during printing, according to the timing of a production cycle already tested. All this so that the customer has the highest productivity in the shortest time, otherwise the cost will not be competitive.

The right steps for more efficient additive manufacturing

Producing on a large scale, especially with SLS technology, it is also crucial to understand the better machine orientation of the part. “Together with the customer we wonder what is the purpose of the object – mainly aesthetic or mechanical – and working conditions”. The answers affect the orientation and optimization of the various parts in the machine, always to achieve a saving of time and greater productivity by making several parts together.

This is coupled with a study of production cycles that ensures maximum productivity: for example, that machine changes are continuous, locking the print queue for more efficient production and programming the machine change during working hours.

The choice of material also plays a key role: it takes place during the co-design phase and undergoes an important verification during pre-production with test pieces (pre-series), to evaluate the product before launching into large productions. “The most typical case is when the customer tells how ‘he has always done’ and what he uses with other technologies.  Here the advice and the address intervene, depending on the result you want to obtain”.

The role of 3D printing for large-scale production is therefore growing. But what is missing to get to make the most of this system?

The aspects on which it is necessary to intervene are the speed of the machines and the automations, that is the processes that do not depend on the presence of the personnel. In both SLS and SLA 3D printing you study in that direction. The future, however, really seems to be coming. Already in 2020 a company like Prosilas saw in its work 70% of prototypes and 30% of production. Today the trend remains growing and technology will soon be ready for the next jump.

Gestione delle stampanti 3d Prosilas tecnologia di stampa 3d


Senior Technician

Roberto Nasini is member of the TAB – Technical Advisory Board of the Prototal team, as well as being one of our most experienced technicians, both for the use of SLS technologies and for SLA, responsible for feasibility assessments, use of 3D scanning and reporting systems, estimation and technical support.

AM solutions always win by combining special materials.

AM solutions always win by combining special materials.

Expertise available for all industries.

Different sectors require
to Additive Manufacturing different solutions.

With a dynamic workflow, we are able to take advantage of a vast know-how built around processes and materials for 3D printing and find the right mix of skills and applications for individual customer needs.

We deploy our knowledge and experiment with new solutions.

Luca Ferroni Tecnico Senior Prosilas Stampa 3d

Fields of application

The areas where we get the most demands and the best results:

  1. Automotive (20% )
  2. Industrial (17%)
  3. Fashion & consumer goods (17%)
  4. MotorSport & Racing (8%)

Our technician Roberto Nasini explains that the main need of customers ” Motorsports & Racing” is to combine: 

  • strength
  • lightness
  • rapidity of realization.

Not only the speed of the process, materials make the difference!

At the moment, Prosilas is the only manufacturer in Europe to use carbon loaded even for large parts.  We were the first to test the PA603CF on a P770 EOS 3D printer, also managing to dribble the traditional difficulties on the Z axis, (notoriously weaker than the others) thanks to the study of suitable machine-parameters.

As for finishing, customers often require finishing with the smooth bottom: for this a primer is used to remove roughnesses, and give greater aesthetics and aerodynamics.

Prosilas servizio di Stampa 3d con un controllo della catena produttiva MQS

Different blends: the strategic solution for the functional and aesthetic use of additive materials

We work mainly for the creation of prototypes and for the production of equipment and placements, printing the parts that go inside the production chains of industrial machines.

Prototypes can be aesthetic (usually made of polyamide) or aesthetic and functional together: in this case they require more resistant mixes – such as glass, aluminium or carbon filled polyamide – for example, to provide greater thermal or mechanical resistance.

Depending on your needs, you can create components (usually placements) composed of two parts a rigid polyamide and a softer tpu able to avoid scratches and abrasions.

Moreover, black or white TPU is the material widely used in the fashion sector: there is a lot of work both with the creation of prototypes and with the mass production of shoes, bags and jewelry.

Thanks to the possibility of mass production, an iconic TPU sole with a complex voronoi structure was born, the sole Skeleton Philipp Plein , flexible in some parts and stiffer in others.

Scarpa Skeleton di Philipp Plein ; suola stampata in 3d in Prosilas

“For objects like these,” explains Nasini, “it is important to balance the design with functionality and to understand the right density that makes a difference on thickness, flexibility and softness. All in one monolithic piece, not assembled.  The results have been so convincing that from the 560 realized in 2021 it has been passed to the 1,735 of 2022, with other brands that arrive because these possibilities are a great plus for creative people”.  Roberto Nasini

The choice of the material also influences the finishing

Thanks to ad hoc colors: black pigmented TPU, for example, avoids the painting of the sole and therefore its loss of color when consumed.

The Automotive sector, where we make the largest percentage of our business, sums up everything the company does in other sectors. The results also depend on the materials, so you work on Polyamide when you focus on aesthetics and on glass-filled, aluminum-filled and carbon-filled for functionality.

In general, there are no product sectors to exclude. Requirements change quickly and deliveries quickly become crucial: this is why we work to optimize the speed of the machines and to refine the performance of the materials.

Thus increasing competitiveness on traditional technology.

Prosilas & Lube Volley : a new partnership

Prosilas & Lube Volley : a new partnership

Prosilas & Lube Volleyball

Prosilas is proud to support for the 2022/23 season the volleyball team A.S. Volley Lube, flagship of our city, Civitanova Marche: a commitment that enhances even more the link of the company with the territory and its precious resources!

“Teamwork, respect and collaboration are the great values of sport, which we share as people and which move our company every day, we are really happy to be able to share this kind of sensitivity and goals “- Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas.

Here is the press release of Lube Volley and the words of Vice President Massaccesi:

“New partnership for Italian champions. Starting from the 2022/23 racing season, the Cucine Lube Civitanova shorts will also feature the brand of the Marche company Prosilas.

It is one of the largest services in Europe, a member of the Prototal Industries group, dedicated to supporting industrial production through the use of 3D printing, additive design technologies and services.

A company made in Marche, led by the experience of Vanna Menco, who for over 20 years has accompanied the large national and international manufacturing companies by supporting the entire production cycle in a smart way: rapid prototyping, design and co-design, 3D scanning, reverse engineering, rapid production and finishing; all within a single technological pole at the forefront, a real ally of production for the growing industry.

Thanks to this orientation towards growth and evolution, as well as to the love for our region, which Prosilas has chosen to accompany our team, supporting and sharing the sporting values of collaboration and commitment that make a great team, in the field, in professional activity and in life.

Albino Massaccesi, Vice President of Lube Volley: “Welcoming solid companies such as Prosilas and sharing their values is a source of pride. The pleasure is double because to support us is an enterprise of our region that, just like us, has distinguished itself over the years on the international scene!”.

Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas: “Teamwork, respect, collaboration and commitment are the great values of sport and also the values that move our company every day; we are so happy to share this kind of sensitivity and goals”.


What’s after additive manufacturing and 3D printing?

What’s after additive manufacturing and 3D printing?

Post-process treatments

beyond the production

“The customer always has his reasons”, ie specific needs that require an exclusive evaluation and an ad hoc solution. Our commitment to propose ourselves as AM Service and Consulting from Mathematics to Post Process allows us to take into account this aspect, devoting particular attention to this last phase, that is to all those finishing treatments that are performed on the part already produced, in order to optimize functionality and aesthetics. 

We deepen together with Marco Soldini, Head of Laboratory and Post Process of Prosilas.

At every result his Post-Process treatment

All parts developed with additive Manifacturing, whether made with polymer or metal, can receive end-of-process treatments for aesthetic and/or functional improvements. The most performing and suitable post process (automatic or manual) is chosen according to the needs and objectives that the final result must reach.

There are almost always two possible paths:

1. Automated Finishing

through a machine that the operator only cares to support

2. Manual Finishing

with an operator who performs the various operations required by the procedure.

The choice is determined by the required precision rate, also depending on the use of the workpiece in question.

Automated Finishing

In Prosilas the Manual Finishing is the preferred option, even if there are cases in which Automated Finishing is used, such as vapor smoothing and coloring, respectively a chemical steam treatment and an immersion of the part in the color.


The chemical smoothing is an acid vapor that applied on the piece allows you to smooth the surface, making it, depending on the case, waterproof, washable, shiny, food compatible and not only.

Examples of objects that can be subjected to this type of Post Process? A tank to contain specific liquids, but also dishes and glasses.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas


With the coloring you go instead to change the color resulting from the construction material (white if polyamide, gray if metallic, for example) by immersing it in a liquid colored preparation that is absorbed, covering any surface imperfections without altering the thickness.

They can be subject to coloring design components such as those for eyewear, which require a uniform color even in the smallest parts, all potentially exposed. Or, they can be parts like pulleys, which have to move inside machinery without leaving residue, which would happen if they were painted.

la produzione Stampe tre d per produzioni e preserie Prosilas

Seven types of Manual Finishing

Manual Finishing is preferred not only in all cases where the skill of the operator makes the difference, but also when customers have only one piece, absolutely exclusive (something that often happens in rapid prototyping), to apply the post process and it is said that there is an ad hoc machinery.

Seven results that customers usually look for with manual finishes:

  • Waterproofing for liquids and vapors.

Sometimes the process is necessary only on one side of the product. Prosilas determines together with the customer, from time to time, which substance to use and whether to spray or bath, for example. It is different to waterproof a thermos for drinks, the tank of a motorcycle or a part of a hull exposed to salt. It must then consider what type of maintenance or treatment the object will be subjected to, for example if it will have to be disinfected.

  • Metal Insert – Helicoil.

The customer can supply parts with holes and Prosilas must put threaded inserts, embedded in the material, to allow – for example – to insert screws or other metal parts.

  • Metal Plating.

It is the arrangement of metal particles on plastic. It is useful, for example, in the case of restorations in which original spare parts are no longer available, to be created ex novo and then chrome.

  • Fuel Resistant treatment. 

It is another type of waterproofing, excluded from the process nº1 for chemical reasons. It’s about the tanks, but also all the parts that could come into contact with the fuel, such as the protective cover of a part of the car near the tank. It is a very complicated process, especially when it comes to storing substances that are difficult to manage, up to those considered aggressive for which only glass works.

  •  UV Resistant treatment.

It concerns all those parts that change due to exposure to the sun, white or transparent, which turn yellow, or objects for which the passage of UV rays causes chemical problems.

  • Painting.

When painting a blank piece, the surface is not smooth. Applying a primer, however, is free of imperfections and you can decide whether it is smooth or opaque.

  • Micro shot peening.

It owes its name to the microspheres that form the abrasive dust with which an object is treated by blowing, in an automated machinery. It leaves no residue.

When and where it is useful to employ with post processing

The post process has different uses depending on the purpose of the client.

A prototype of a tank, for example, may be required:

  • as a prototype for its own sake, so it does not need a post process;
  • for a static demonstration, so need an external painting but not internal;
  • for a functional demonstration, so not needing an external finish but certainly a functional finish.

A single piece can therefore be used for very different uses, so the finishes that a process partner like Prosilas can recommend will be just as different.

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The smaller and more delicate the object, the less likely it will be finished in a machine. However, the automated process guarantees a more homogeneous result. Sometimes the post process modalities can be interchangeable: choosing the best one in a given case is part of the competence of the AM consulting service.

The most requested post processing systems

Based on our experience, there is a large demand for the primer ready for painting, which then intervenes the customer’s paint, and waterproofing, including food, especially in terms of FPA certifications and biocompatible materials.



Plant Manager

Marco Soldini is member of TAB – Prototal Group Technical Advisory Board

Soldini’s professional figure is fully employed in the Company: he is R&D Finishing Manager and in charge of special projects: he researches and develops new techniques and new solutions so that the Company always has a cutting-edge offer.

Plus, he’s IT & Plant Manager at Prosilas.