
member of Prototal Industries


One to one million

Manufacturing Service and Consulting

Prosilas provides cutting-edge consultancy to bring your projects to life, from the prototype phase to production.

3D Printing, Vacuum Casting, and Injection Molding.

We address all market needs with flexible, high-quality, and sustainable production solutions.


Consulential support form the first prototype to the serial producion



Professional, competent, and ongoing support: the best technology, the finest materials, and tailor-made solutions for your projects.

Rapid Prototyping

Transform your projects into realistic, scalable, and functional proof-of-concepts quickly with 3D printing.


Production of low and high volumes of polymer parts using traditional technologies and 3D printing.


A fully equipped laboratory for metrological measurements, including a 3D scanner for creation, analysis, and modification/reverse engineering of files.


We customize post-production treatments according to technical and aesthetic needs. Automated finishes (vapor smoothing and coloring) as well as manual processes are employed to meet the project’s specific requirements.


Case studies

Voices of Prototal – Silvia Biancucci

Voices of Prototal – Silvia Biancucci

With a background in accounting, Silvia has built her career through learning on the job. His entry into Prototal Prosilas was a challenging challenge, especially in managing post-acquisition change.

Outside the office, she finds energy in travel, nature and yoga. Determined and practical, she approaches difficulties with humor and method. Your goal? Always improve. Your advice? Humility, commitment and determination.

Made by Aliens

Case History  BASF Forward AM + JNORIG + Prosilas  “ I wish they looked like they were made by...

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Hyper-Ligth Carbon

Light as air, swift as the wind.

Our new Hyper-light Carbon, is one of the lightest material in the world of 3D printing. 

Hyper-light Carbon is based on polyamide 12 loaded with carbon fiber.

At Prosilas, we have the capability to process Hyper-light Carbon using the EOS P770 3D printer (680x370x540mm).
This enables us to manufacture large, monolithic parts with high precision and repeatability

Techological Offering


The most reliable partners for serial production with a long-term vision and commitment to completing the cycle by satisfying every phase from prototyping to serial production.

We provide our expertise in industrial processes and polymeric materials to meet the new market demands.

Prototal Prosilas has twenty years of experience, an in-house capability with over 13 SLS and SLA 3D printing systems, more than 20 operators, and over 2000 clients.

We promote innovation and the exploration of new materials, products, and solutions, reducing waste and intensifying research in an efficient and sustainable manner.

Explore the boundless potential of additive manufacturing / 3D printing, where precision intersects with creativity, bringing intricate designs to fruition with unparalleled efficiency and speed.

Vacuum Casting stands out as a swift and economical method for creating top-notch plastic components, ideal for prototype functional testing or low-volume serial production.

Accuracy guaranteed in every component. Whether you require producing millions of parts in high volumes or smaller series production – we’re equipped to handle it effortlessly.

Our tools are precisely tailored to your specific requirements, offering a wide range of customization options. This includes various inlet types such as edge, rod, snout, tunnel, film, or hot runner systems.

Vanna Menco_ Ceo_Prosilas - Prototal - Stampa 3D - manifattura additiva

“Additive technologies are the key to innovating manufacturing processes.

Today, it is possible to do much more, but above all, to do it differently. We aim to be a support for our clients to explore, innovate, and achieve goals that were previously deemed impossible.”


Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas

Field of applications

Many industries can benefit from the use of additive technologies.
Prosilas provides AM services for  automotive and motorsports, aeronautical, medical, industrial automation, fashion and many others.

Prototyping, manufacturing equipment for industry, validation through tests and pre-series up to production.


MotorSports & Racing

Fashion & Footwear

Aereo di linea bianco in volo su un cielo azzurro limpido. La stampa 3D di Prosilas rivoluziona il settore aerospaziale con componenti più leggeri, resistenti e personalizzati. Stampa 3d polimerica e metallo Prototal

