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The acquisition of Prosilas by the Prototal Industries Group


Prosilas s.r.l, a leading European provider of 3D printing services based in Italy, has been acquired by Prototal Industries, a leader in additive manufacturing and polymer injection molding in northern Europe.


The acquisition will strengthen Prototal’s operations in Europe and provide existing Prosilas customers with additional production service capabilities. Through the acquisition of Prosilas, Prototal will have one of the largest additive manufacturing capacities in Europe.

Headquartered in the province of Macerata in Italy, Prosilas was founded in 2003 and for almost two decades has provided expert additive manufacturing services to the European market.

“Between 2019 and 2021 we had several interesting proposals but none had the winning features we were looking for. In January 2021 we got in touch with the Prototal Group and a great feeling was immediately established. Even then, I felt that this collaboration could be a winner for Prosilas. Our visions were aligned and have a really good team with which we collaborate in a very natural and dynamic” Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas


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The company provides end-to-end services

The company provides end-to-end services, from support to design and optimization, prototyping, mass production and post-processing.

The main specialty of Prosilas is in SLS 3D printing and holds quality certifications including ISO 9001:2015 and ISO/IEC 27001 for IT security and ISO 14001:2015.

Prosilas: cutting edge company

The company has seen remarkable growth since 2016, adding industrial AM systems to its fleet and implementing sophisticated solutions, such as automated material management systems, MES software and quality solutions. In recent years, Prosilas has been interested in establishing an industrial partnership with the aim of expanding its reach and customer base across the European continent.


Prototal Industries

Prototal, for its part, has an annual turnover of around 50 million euros and a team of experts of over 200 employees in seven locations. In recent years the company has expanded beyond the Nordic region, first with the acquisition of the AM polymer services business of 3T Additive Manufacturing based in the UK and now with the acquisition of Prosilas.

Prosilas Additive Manifacturing and consulting fa parte del gruppo Prototal

Vanna Menco, CEO Prosilas

Through the agreement officially signed on November 15, 2021, Prototal Industries acquired 100% of the capital of Prosilas.

Going forward, Vanna Menco will remain as CEO and General Manager of Prosilas. Giulio Menco, founder of Prosilas, will maintain the role of technical consultant, specialized in the experimental and R&D field. Members of the existing Prosilas team will also remain as part of the acquisition agreement.


vanna e giulio menco ceo prosilas

Press Release

3D RUCK –  Prototal kauft italienischen 3D-Druck-Dienstleister Prosilas – 2/11/21

Il Sole 24 Ore – Grimaldi con Prototal Industries AB nell’acquisizione di Prosilas – 3/11/21